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Tute’s Alternative Provision

Reliable alternative education when you need it most

Mapped to the curriculum for Key Stage 1 - 5

All students should receive a good education regardless of their background or circumstances. However, for an increasing number of students, attending a mainstream setting is becoming a significant barrier to learning. High-quality alternative provision is often difficult to find – there are not enough places, and enrolment can be slow.

What makes things even more challenging is the varying needs within AP. For some, it’s a short-term arrangement with a quick turnaround; for others, it may be a long-term need. For allit is important they are supported to achieve and make academic progress on a par with their mainstream peers.

A digital learning environment designed to nurture, encourage and re-engage learners

The number of students accessing or needing alternative education provision has risen rapidly, and demand continues to grow. It’s important that the alternative provision environments help students overcome their barriers and enable them to re-engage with their learning journey in the hope that they can be reintegrated into their mainstream setting. 

Tute’s safeguarded, interactive, and collaborative online classroom, combined with our experienced teachers, gives students an opportunity to thrive, build confidence, and make progress in a completely neutral setting. 

Tute’s Learning Cloud keeps everything in one place for students: their timetable, lesson playbacks, learning resources, feedback, and lessons.

Setting providers can easily track progress, engagement, and attendance from their own portal.

Live online lessons
in Tute’s Learning Cloud

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Qualified, DBS

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Attendance dashboard (qualified for Code B attendance)

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Scheme of learning mapped to the national curriculum

Progress and engagement tracked in each lesson

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Suggestions for progress provided to enhance learning

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Playback of lessons

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Half-termly review

apples in a computer screen

Virtual School

Short or medium-term alternative provision

For Key Stage 1-4

Need to give students access to AP quickly? Students can be enrolled and learning within 48 hours with Tute Virtual School, with no planning input needed from the setting provider. 

Students can join our VS timetable at any point during a half term. They can be enrolled in any combination of subjects and programmes from English, Maths, Science, and PSHE lessons, all mapped to the national curriculum.

apple wearing mortarboard tute courses icon


Long-term alternative provision

For Key Stage 1-5

Do you have students who have been using AP support for a while and need to enrol them on a more robust programme? Tute courses are similar to Tute Virtual School, instead offer students a more comprehensive curriculum covering all subjects and most exam boards.

Tute teachers deliver the specification in one or two years and act as the student’s main, if not only, source of education for that subject.

Flexible provision designed to meet your settings needs

Tute can be used AS your alternative provision or IN your alternative provision setting

Used AS alternative provision

Do you have students who are unable to attend their education?

Tute can complement your strategy to provide outreach services and support successful reintegration into your setting. Students can join lessons from the location they are in, bridging the gap between home and school with consistent and continuous provision. 

How we helped Thorpe St Andrew...

An ambitious school, judged as outstanding in all areas by Ofsted, Tute lessons are embedded in their strategy to address poor attendance by supporting phased reintegration with student transition from home to their ‘quiet school’ and then into their mainstream environment.  

Used IN alternative provision

Do you offer AP programmes but need additional support to diversify your offering?

Tute can blend with other types of provision to create education packages that address your learners’ holistic needs. The expertise of our qualified teachers can be used to enhance your curriculum offer, presenting opportunities that would not usually be available to your students. 

How we helped Chessbrook ESC...

Our lessons are integral to the alternative provision service Chessbrook ESC, an Ofsted outstanding PRU referenced in the SEND green paper as a best practice model. They serve local schools and Hertfordshire County Council with a vibrant, broad, and balanced curriculum to ensure every student can develop personally and academically and achieve individual success. 

Want to find out more about Tute's AP support?

Watch our on-demand webinar series

See how Tute is used as a core alternative provision across different settings, to build capacity and deliver meaningful outcomes.

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