
Overcoming the AEP capacity crisis facing the UK

Discover solutions that are giving students currently left on long waiting lists, access to quality education

Since summer, the number of students not attending mainstream schools has been soaring, with over a third of councils reporting having long waiting lists for pupil referral unit places. The demand for a suitable solution is showing no sign of slowing down.  

During our webinar, Tute was joined by our guest panellist, Neil Bugdale, Assistant headteacher at Sprowston Community Academy, where he shared their secret to how they’ve been successfully tackling AEP capacity issues, with a flexible, accessible solution that’s been re-engaging learners, increasing attendance, and improving outcomes.

Tute webinar graphic

Watch the playback education discussion if you are...

A school

in need of alternative provision

A non-mainstream

in need of a creative approach to capacity

A local authority

in need of a swift solution for excluded students

What we covered in the webinar

Since the success of our January webinar series on the topic of ‘Creating capacity in AEP’, demand for a suitable solution is showing no sign of slowing.

Watch our discussion with our guest panellist, where we explored:

Hosted by...

Dr Sharon Smith

Assistant Head of Teaching and Learning: Outcomes at Tute

Kate McCombe

Head of Engagement at Tute

Joined by guest panellists...

Neil Bugdale

Assistant Headteacher at Sprowston Community Academy

“I wasn’t a fan of physical classrooms. I ended up dropping out of public secondary school in like the beginning of year 8, I think? Then I spent the next 3-4 years not really doing anything until GCSEs came up and my school recommended Tute… I experienced autistic burnout but I didn’t know I was autistic at the time so no one (and myself) had any idea what was going on with me and my mental health just kind of declined super fast…”

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